The RNR Koi Story

It all began in 2006, when my daughter was four years old. A good friend of mine brought over a tree branch in a black plastic bag containing koi eggs. Let me tell you, at this point I knew absolutely nothing about koi.
I asked my friend what I should do with the eggs and he replied, "throw it away or stick it in some water." That day, I purchased a large ice chest and put the branch into water and about 72 hours later, we had little fry.
My daughter was absolutely ecstatic and really enjoyed watching the fish grow. The next thing I knew, we were spending several hours every night with these little fish. By the Spring of 2007, my daughter wanted more koi… and the rest is history.
I had a good friend that was in the PolyTank business, so I went to see him, and he gave me a couple of older 3000-gallon tanks. I buried the tanks halfway into the ground and installed filters. And, I began buying koi.
I started spawning the koi, which seemed very effortless. However, in a very short amount of time, I had too many koi and I started to sell them. In time, my hobby turned into a successful business. I have learned a tremendous amount over the years, and I am still learning every day.
I now have over 50,000 gallons of tank water in fourteen different systems and a mud pond. My koi farm sits on a couple of private acres complete with its own well. I have traveled to various koi shows all over the nation and I also visit and import koi directly from Japan.
RNR Koi blossomed from a small back yard hobby for me and my daughter into a business we love and enjoy. If you come by the farm, you'll still see my daughter working right beside me.
This business and our koi have become our passion. We remain very involved in the koi community and we have been the Fresno, California koi show sponsor for multiple years.
Please feel free to contact us to schedule a private visit.
We look forward to helping you rest and relax with your new RNR Koi.